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Award to graduate student Peter Hung. Congratulations to Peter!! Caltech's Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy has awarded Peter Hung the inaugural R. Bruce Stewart Prize for Excellence in Teaching Physics. The official announcement is here. 08-04-15 Milestone in single-molecule analysis. Congratulations to Selim and Scott! Our paper "Inertial Imaging with Nanomechanical Systems" by M.S. Hanay, S.I. Kelber et al., is published in Nature Nanotechnology. 03-30-15 Neutral NEMS-MS. Congratulations to Eric! Our paper "Neutral particle mass spectrometry with nanomechanical systems" by E. Sage, et al., is published in Nature Communications. 03-10-15 Niels Bohr Lecture / University of Copenhagen. Professor Roukes delivers a Neils Bohr Lecture at the University of Copenhagen entitled "Integrated Neurophotonics: A Vision for Massively-Parallel Interrogation of Brain Activity". 11-12-14 Nano Letters Publication on NEMS-based gas sensing. Congratulations to Heather! Our paper "Vapor Sensing Characteristics of Nanoelectromechanical Chemical Sensors Functionalized Using Surface-Initiated Polymerization" by H.C. McCaig et al., is published in Nano Letters. 06-12-14 Flexible NEMS platform for detailed studies of synchronization. Congratulations to Matt! Our paper "Synchronization of two anharmonic nanomechanical oscillators" by M.H. Matheny et al., is published in Physical Review Letters. 01-10-14 Supplementary Information Phys Rev Letter describes "dynamic similarity". Congratulations to Caryn! Our paper "Dynamic Similarity of Oscillatory Flows Induced by Nanomechanical Resonators" by E.C. Bullard et al., is published in Physical Review Letters. 01-10-14 Supplementary Information History behind the drive for advanced technology to enable large-scale mapping of brain activity. Caltech Engineering & Science Magazine profiles local efforts and history behind the quest for brain activity mapping, and the evolution of Obama's BRAIN Initiative. Fall 2013 Issue. Proposing the BRAIN Initiative—In 2011, 2012 and 2013 Professor Roukes collaborated with five other scientists to advocate for a large-scale U.S. national effort to pursue "Brain Activity Mapping". This has led to the launching of the Obama BRAIN Initiative. 2011-2013 Memorial Symposium for Nobel Laureate Heinrich Rohrer —Professor Roukes participated in an IBM Memorial Symposium to honor friend and colleague, Heini Rohrer, at ETH Zurich on 31 Oct 2013. In 1986, together with Nobelist Gerd Binning, Rohrer invented the scanning tunneling microscope (STM), which helped launch the field of nanotechnology. 10-31-2013 5-year MURI grant awarded for collaborative research—on "Predicting and Controlling Systems of Interdependent Networks: Exploiting Interdependence for Control" 07-03-2013 Michael Roukes Honored by the French Republic —The French Republic honored Michael Roukes, Robert M. Abbey Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and Bioengineering at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), with the Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Knight of the Order of Academic Palms). Read more... 06-28-2013 One of the best..." —Physics World identified Professor Roukes' talk at the 2013 American Physical Society March Meeting (~10,000 attendees) one of its "five best". 03-22-2013 Single-Molecule analysis—Single-Protein Nanomechanical Mass Spectrometry-- a new technique developed over more than a decade of effort by Michael L. Roukes, Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and Bioengineering at Caltech, and his colleagues, simplifies and miniaturizes analyses through use of very tiny nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) resonators. Read more... 08-26-2012 NEMS-MS in the press —The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times both reported on the Roukes Group's recent efforts, in collaboration with scientists & engineers at CEA-Leti in Grenoble, to develop a new form of single-molecule mass spectrometry (MS) based on nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). 09-02-2012 & 08-31-2012 Weighing Molecules One at a Time —A team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has made the first-ever mechanical device that can measure the mass of individual molecules one at a time. This new technology, the researchers say, will eventually help doctors diagnose diseases, enable biologists to study viruses and probe the molecular machinery of cells, and even allow scientists to better measure nanoparticles and air pollution. Read more... 08-26-2012 Accelerating Nanoscience out of the Laboratory and into the Marketplace —Caltech president Jean-Lou Chameau was in Paris on Monday, December 12, to announce the launch of Analytical Pixels, the first start-up company to emerge from the research and development programs of the joint Alliance for Nanosystems VLSI (very-large-scale-integration)—a collaboration between Caltech's Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI) and the Micro and Nanotechnologies Innovation Campus (Minatec) of the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA)-Leti research institute in Grenoble, France. Read more... 12-12-2011 Two Caltech Scientists Receive 2010 NIH Director's Pioneer Awards —Two scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have been recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for their innovative and high-impact biomedical research programs. Michael Roukes, professor of physics, applied physics, and bioengineering, and co-director of the Kavli Nanoscience Institute, and Pamela Bjorkman, Caltech's Max Delbrück Professor of Biology and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, now join the 81 Pioneers—including Caltech researchers Rob Phillips and Bruce Hay—who have been selected since the program's inception in 2004. "NIH is pleased to be supporting scientists from across the country who are taking considered risks in a wide range of areas in order to accelerate research," said NIH Director Francis S. Collins in announcing the awards. "We look forward to the result of their work." Read more... 08-18-2010 New Method to Detect Quantum Mechanical Effects in Ordinary Objects —Scientists have successfully measured entanglement and superposition in photons and in small collections of just a few atoms. But physicists have long wondered if larger collections of atoms—those that form objects with sizes closer to what we are familiar with in our day-to-day life—also exhibit quantum effects. Matt LaHaye, postdoctoral research scientist, Keith Schwab, associate professor of applied physics, Michael L. Roukes, professor of physics, applied physics, and bioengineering, and their colleagues have developed a new tool that can detect quantum mechanical behavior in such ordinary objects. Read more... 06-19-2009 |